I'll now be spending the next few days uploading about fifty pages of paperwork into online databases and saying my prayers that both final medical clearance and nice little reimbursements head my way soon.
#1 Lesson I wish I had known before starting this process: If you're going to be entering Peace Corps service, most medical tests and exams must be no more than 4 to 6 months old, even if you've had the exams done within the past year. Unfortunately, this can cause some issues with insurance coverage, so do your best to postpone exams, X-rays, etc., until you receive your invitation and know the necessary time frames. Also, check, double check, and triple check your medical to-do lists. I nearly had a meltdown today when I thought I had missed something. The Peace Corps can and will postpone your placement if you don't have the necessary documentation in on time, so be sure to pay close attention to your immunization schedules and other appointments!
ahh the story of my life. Hoping to see the medical paperwork come to an end here in a week or so. Good luck finishing up!